5 Simple Steps to Clean and Remove Concrete From Trucks Using Chemical Formulation

Did you know? Concrete is the single most used building material in the world, and with good reason; its strength capacity, resilience to weather conditions, and relative ease of making and installing all influence its choice as the premier building material. All of these factors make sense when you want concrete, but what about when you want to remove it where it doesn’t belong from equipment? Follow these 5 simple steps to remove unwanted concrete from equipment using a chemical formulation:
- Considerations - When using any type of chemical for cleaning, always wear eye protection. In addition, never apply the chemical to extremely hot surfaces as scorching may occur. The best application occurs early in the morning, in the evening, or in shaded areas, where air surface temperature is between 40° F to 80° F.
- Pre-Test - Always pre-test a small area prior to beginning a full-scale cleaning operation. Depending on the type of chemical formulation used for the concrete remover, whether it is acid-based or sugar-based, care will need to be taken into consideration for painted areas, as well as glass and mirrors of the cab of trucks. In addition, the Pre-Test will confirm the cleaning effectiveness on each type of surface being cleaned, as well as the desired surface contact time. Be sure to make sure the test areas are dried completely before evaluating final appearance and results.
- Application - Whether you apply the chemical formulation with an electric, air compressed, or pump-type sprayer, be sure to apply the product from the bottom working your way up a section at a time. For the chemical formulation, the foam or product should cling to the surface of the truck. Let the product sit anywhere between 10 to 45 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature and build up thickness. The product exposure time is directly proportional to cement build up thickness. Use a brush after application to ensure agitation occurs with the product and cement.
- Rinse Off - Once the cement build up changes to a mushy, cottage cheese type consistency, rinse the entire surface, preferably with high pressure (500-3,000 psi) cold water, from the bottom working up. Regular water pressure such as a normal hose will also work sufficiently. For areas or trucks with extra thick build up, repeat the cleaning cycle directions until the build up is removed.
- All Areas - Once the concrete is fully removed from the concrete truck, consider using other chemical formulations for further cleaning, such as a Wax and Wash to ensure a clean finish for the cab and painted surfaces. In addition, use an Aluminum Cleaner for the aluminum parts of the equipment such as the wheels and chrome pieces.
While concrete itself is made and used to last for long periods of time as a building material, it doesn’t have to last long on your equipment. Regular maintenance of cleaning and removing concrete from your concrete trucks and equipment will help ensure your equipment lasts longer, looks newer, and provides the shine you desire for your brand and fleet appearance.
If you’re looking for a serious concrete remover for your serious projects, check out Bosh Chemical’s Jack Hammer Concrete Remover, available in both Ready to Use and Concentrate. The sugar-based concrete remover is formulated with biodegradable and organic ingredients, with a safe, environmentally friendly, and effective formula.
- Bosh Chemical